15 Of The 22 Places Part 2

صرف Practice

تَصْرِيْفُ يَفْعَلُ

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مَفْعُوْل بِهِ ، مَفْعُوْل فِيْهِ ، مَفْعُوْل لَهُ ، مَفْعُوْل مُطْلَقٌ
Verbal object, Adverb of time & space, Adverb of reason and cause, Generic Adverb

This group of places is concerned with providing details of the verb. They all answer a question about the verb. The مفعول به you have already seen; it is the object of a verb and answers the question, "Who/What was the verb done to?" The مفعول فيه is the adverb of time and place. It answers the question, "Where/When did the verb take place?" The مفعول له is the adverb of reason and cause. It answers the question, "Why was the verb done?" The مفعول مطلق is the generic adverb. If the detail does not fit into any of the other categories, then it is most likely the مفعول مطلق (The Generic Adverb).

  • فَرِحْتُ أَمْسًا تَحْتَ النُّجُوْمِ - I was happy yesterday under the stars. Here, أَمْسًا indicates the time at which feeling happy took place, so it is the مفعول فيه. "Under the stars" تَحْتَ النُّجُوْمِ provides information about where the happiness took place, and so it is also مفعول فيه.
  • عَذَّبَ الرِّجَالَ شَدِيْدًا تَأْدِيْبًا - He punished the men severely for the purpose of discipline. الرِّجَالَ is the object of the verb, the مفعول به. The word تَأْدِيْبًا indicates the reason for the punishment, "in order to discipline the men," so it is the مفعول له, and the word شَدِيْدًا, which means intensely, does not answer the question of why the verb was done, who it was done to, or where/when it was done. It simply adds an extra detail regarding the severity of the action. It is a generic detail, and therefore it is the مفعول مطلق.

حَال - The Circumstantial Adverb

The الحال is the Circumstantial Adverb. It refers to the state someone/something was in at the time, and the word will be in the state of نصب.

  • رَأَيْتُهُ سَاجِدًا - I saw him prostrating. Here, the object of the verb was in the state of prostrating when I happened to see him. Therefore, the word سَاجِدًا is منصوب.
  • ضَرَبْتُ زَيْدًا مَشْدُوْدًا - I hit Zaid while he was tied up. زَيْدًا is مفعول به, and his state at the time was being tied up, مَشْدُوْدًا, so it is in the state of نصب because it is الحال.

The 2 Places of جرّ

مضاف إليه

You have already studied this in detail. The second half of a مضاف - مضاف إليه structure, the مضاف إليه is always in the state of جرّ.

  • بَيْتُ ﷲِ - the house of Allah. Here, the word "Allah" is the مضاف إليه and is مجرور.
  • كِتَابُ زَيْدٍ - Zaid's book. Zaid is the مضاف إليه and is therefore in the state of جرّ.


Normally when we use the word مجرور, we mean that a word is in the state of جرّ. However, مجرور is also the place that an Ism can occupy when it is the second half of a جَارّ مَجْرُوْر phrase. You have already studied this extensively.

  • لِلّٰهِ - for Allah. The لِ is the حرف جرّ, and the word "Allah" is مجرور.
  • فِيْ الْمَسْجِدِ - in the masjid. The فِيْ is the حرف جرّ, and الْمَسْجِدِ is مجرور.
  • بِالْقَلَمِ - with the pen. The بِ is the حرف جرّ, and السَمَاءِ is مجرور.